Monday, February 18, 2013

A Special Person

We have a lot of special people in our lives who have continued to support us in our time of need these past few weeks, but one person who has been amazing and has shown us HOPE, FAITH, and COURAGE through these tough days has been Julia-  Maddy's big sis and best friend.   It seems odd, but Julia has consoled us more than we have had to console her.  She is BRAVE and STRONG!  We are so blessed to have her in our lives!

Just last week, Mrs. Hurst gave us a few more of Maddy's school papers.  In them was a paragraph that Maddy wrote back in August.  It seems so appropriate to share:

A Special Person
by:  Maddy Lambert

     My older sister Julia is very special.  I can tell her anything.  She also plays with me.  It is so much fun. I like it when she helps me with things.  Julia does a lot of things for me.  My older sister Julia is AWESOME!


  1. Though I may not know your family personally, I was deeply touched at the story of Maddy and your family. It wasn't really until Maddy's passing that I came on your blog and started to read your entries. Every entry I read was so touching and moving to me. Maddy's innocence and strong will to live her life fighing really spoke to me. I am 30 years old and have experienced so much in my life, even losing loved ones. I feel Maddy lived such a short time yet she "lived" her life in such a way I never have. You live your life by learning and I can defintely say that just reading up on Maddy and your family has made such an impact on my life. I have such a huge respect for your daughter who was one of the braviest, couragest girls I've ever heard about. I carry her life struggle with me daily and am reminded never to give up. You and your family are in my prayers and my thoughts. I can't even place my mind on how difficult it is for all of you but just by reading your entries, I know that with time, the love you all have for one another, Maddy's never ending love and God's love, you will have peace. I pray that God be with you all giving you the strength to live each day with healing and understanding. God Bless the greatest family Maddy ever had. :)

  2. You were blessed with two very special girls. And they were blessed with two special parents. Praying for you.

  3. I just read all the post and I am so sorry of Maddy's passing. I can't stop crying. The pain of this loss for the family is felt my so many. Continued prayers for all. Much love to your family. Deborah Wantland, RN, CCM.

  4. Julia,
    You rock! You are the best big sister ever! You were always there for Maddy to make her laugh and help her through the tough times. (Remember all of your dances and muscle poses? Of course we won't tell anyone else about that!) AND, you never complained. You wanted to be there for her as much as she wanted you to be with her, which I think is so neat! As you can tell from her little story, you were a very special person to Maddy. Maddy said it well, "Julia, you are AWESOME!"
    Love you Julia!
    Mrs. B.

  5. I saw Julia today in school all giggling and smiling and I thought wow she is really great. You really are so lucky

  6. That was so sweet of Maddy and now has me crying...Prayers continue to be sent your way. :-)
