Saturday, November 28, 2009

November 28, 2009

Just a quick update- Maddy went to the clinic at St. Vs for her chemo treatment and bone marrow test on Friday. She hadn't been feeling really good the past week. She was VERY tired and had bad stomach aches. Her doctor decided to admit her to the hospital. She needed a blood transfusion and they wanted to do some tests to see what was going on with her stomach. From the X-Rays they did on Friday, it looks like more is going into Maddy's belly than is coming out. We are working on this! She just had a CT Scan done this morning and we are waiting to talk to the doctor.

Maddy is ready to go home. We hope she is able to be discharged today.


  1. We are all praying for you. The first grade class at St Peter hope you'll be back with us soon.
    Mrs. S.

  2. Maddy,

    I saw your good friend Lilly yesterday at Target and she told me you were in the hospital. I was soooooooo sorry to hear that. I've had a very busy day but I've also been praying for you all day long! I hope all your tests came out good today! I'm sure those smart doctors and nurses will get you all fixed up! Keep that beautiful smile on your face as much as you can! Remember "GODis GOOD ALL the time; ALL the Time GOD is GOOD!"

    Love, Miss Heckel

    P.S. I hope we can see you on Skype a little this week. I'll talk to your Mom and Dad about it so we can set up some times.

  3. Hi Maddy,

    Yesterday I saw your friend Lilli at Target and she told me that you were in the hospital. I was sooooooooooo sorry to hear that! I was busy today but I still prayed for you many times today. I'm sure all those smart doctors and nurses are going to get everything figured out and fixed up real soon. I'm sure you want those tummy aches to go away. One time a very long time ago I was sick just about like you and I had to have blood transfusions. They always made me feel more perky. I hope that is true for you!

    Remember "GOD is GOOD all the time; ALL the time GOD is GOOD.

    Love, Miss Heckel

    P.S. I hope we can see you on Skype this week. I'll talk to your Mom and / or your Dad so we can get some times set up.

    Be good!
    Sleep tight!
    Don't let the bedbugs bite! :)

  4. Hello Lamberts!
    Wanted to let you know I'm thinking and praying for you guys daily. Sounds like Maddy's quite the little cutie with her new hair cut :) Hope all is going well as the day has gone on. Don't worry Maddy....I'm at a hospital today too...they're no fun but we gotta do what we gotta do huh? If you need any tips on managing those nurses you let me know :) I've got the inside track :)
    Hope your Thanksgiving was great! Just remember - there's so much to be thankful for even in the hard times!
    God Bless and talk soon!
    -Katie Gerken

  5. Hi Maddy and family,
    Just wanting you to know that we are thinking about you each day and saying prayers for you. I went shopping on Friday and found something for you. I'll give it to your mom on Monday at school, ok?
    Mrs. Burnett and family
