Monday, January 9, 2012


Maddy went to the clinic today for bloodwork and her white blood count finally got high enough to start the next chemo treatment.  We were getting a little worried and the doctor had scheduled a bone marrow aspirate for today if she didn't make counts.  We were relieved and never so happy to hear that Maddy could get chemo!  Of course she was delayed for three weeks, so what was supposed to be the first of a six week cycle, has now turned into a nine week cycle.  We have all decided that Maddy just did not want to be in the hospital for Christmas or for New Years or for the weekend...  mind over matter!

Thanks to everyone for continued thoughts and prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Maddy,

    Hey, I don't blame you for not wanting to be in the hospital over the holidays. You wouldn't have got to ride your scooter there! I am glad you were able to start yesterday so you can get all these treatments out of the way! Hang in there kiddo! Thinking about you everyday and praying your stay at St. V's goes well and they don't have to keep you too long!

    You are STRONG and BRAVE!!

    Love you,
    Mrs. Buehrer
