Sunday, January 29, 2012

Thank You!

A huge thank you goes out to everyone who helped make the ABC 4 Maddy Relay for Life supper a HUGE success! Another reminder of how blessed we are.

The only thing that would have made it better would have been if Maddy would have been able to be there to help out. She was so determined to be there. On Wednesday evening, we took her to the hospital because she was having a lot of back pain. They got that under control ( we think she was having muscle spasms) and then she started having a severe headache and got nauseous every time she sat up. She was also battling mouth sores that had been making it difficult for her to eat and drink. By Friday morning, after a lot of pain medication, she felt good enough to "trick" the doctor into discharging her. We got home in time for Maddy to take a little nap and then get ready to go to the supper- thanks to everyone who scrambled to get a recliner for Maddy to sit in. The ride to the school made her nauseous again, but Maddy tried to stick it out. She was so sad when she had to leave after a very short time.

Fortunately, Maddy felt better on Saturday and is feeling even better today- we are trying to keep ahead of the headaches and take medicine before they get really bad. She is due to start the second cycle of treatment in this phase on Monday if her counts are where they need to be and if her mouth sores are under control. She will go to the clinic on Monday to be evaluated. We really don't want her to start unless she is truly recovered. The first chemo in this cycle is the one that Maddy's body really does not handle well- she needs all of her strength to be able to handle it.


  1. Maddy-
    We are so happy you got to come home and even go to the dinner for a little while. I heard there were so many people at the dinner that the cars were parked all around the school and in the yard! Wow- there are sure a lot of people that love and care about you. We will be praying for those sores in your mouth to go away and that the doctor's have wisdom as to what is the best for you in regard to starting your next phase. Deuteronomy 31:6 says "Be strong. Take courage. Don't be intimidated.... because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He's right there with you. He won't let you down; he won't leave you." We love you!

  2. Dear Maddy,

    I am soooooooooo glad you are feeling better! I felt really, really sad for you on Friday evening! What a wonderful town we live in ---- the supper was so well attended! Did your Mom tell you we earned more than $5,000.00 for Relay for Life? That surely shows how much so many people care and want better meds and a cure for you and lots of other kids (and grown-ups) dealing with some sort of cancer. Let's CRUSH that nasty word 'Cancer' once and for all!

    I know this week will be crummy if you can start the next round of treatments ---- but it would be a big step closer to the end! You are so brave and strong and gutsy! God gave you so much spunk and that is exactly why you are able to do all of this! Hang in there! I know you can do all that it takes to beat this leukemia ---- so many people, including me are so proud of YOU!
    See you sometime soon I hope!

    Lots of Love,
    Miss Heckel

    P.S. Hey, when you feel better we will need to have another girls movie night ---- that was so much fun a couple of weeks ago. Maybe next time we can go eat Chinese first and then come back here to watch a movie. What do you think?

  3. Hey Maddy,

    I was so glad to hear you were feeling better on Sat. and Sunday! I wish you could have enjoyed the dinner on Friday because there were so many people there to support you. I have some pictures I will show you soon.

    I know you have some more crappy treatments coming up, but you can do it. You are strong and brave and God will be with you even when you feel awful. Hang in there kiddo and just know the whole town is pulling for you. That was pretty obvious when so many people showed up to the ABC 4 Maddy/RFL dinner.

    I like Miss Heckel's idea about another movie night. Let's do it when you are feeling really good and are hungry and can eat whatever you want!! Sounds good to me.

    Hang in there kiddo and see you soon!

    Love you,
    Mrs. Buehrer

  4. Hi Maddy!

    Sorry to hear last week was such a rough one, but I am SO glad you are feeling better now (I was texting your dad last night)!! Hope you are able to start your treatments on Thursday since you weren't able to yesterday. Just need to tell you how AMAZED I am at how well your Relay for Life supper did raising money to help find a cure for cancer!!!! I'm thankful you live in such a terrific town with wonderful people there who love and support you as much as our family does, well almost as much!! :) I know your treatments are no fun - but like Miss Heckel said - each completed treatment is that much closer to the end of all the treatments!

    Love you so much!
    Aunt Leshie

  5. Hi Maddy, I had fun at the Relay for Life supper, sorry we missed you. I really miss you but I'm glad I get to see you on skype.
    Megan :)
