Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day #13

Still waiting...with a smile today. Total White Blood Cell Count= 200

On a positive note, the doctors allowed Maddy to get disconnected from the IVs today. All the medication that she is currently getting is in pill form. This makes getting around a little easier. Maddy was also able to Skype for a short time today. She was glad to see all of her classmates. Dad is now the meanie making her do school work!


  1. Hooray for no IV poles! That, for sure, is a taste of freedom. I'm so excited to read that you got to Skype today- that is great. My Sunday School class of around 30 women began praying today that your white blood cell count would go up soon and that these neutrophils would especially start skyrocketing! Be a warrior Maddy- keep fighting. You and your family are loved and prayed for by many. ~The Warners

  2. Hip! Hip! Hooray! No IV's! That is such good news. Miss Hurst told me the whole class was excited to see you on Skype today!!! She told me you were all smiles. Hopefully I can pop in and say 'Hi' sometime soon. Hoping and praying that those blood counts get moving a little faster in the right direction. I'll tell my friends to pray too!

    Hang in there! Keep up the good work! :) Love, Miss Heckel

    See you soon! Lots of Love, Miss Heckel

  3. NO IV POLES!!! That has to make getting around a lot easier! Ok, white blood cell counts.....get going up! Praying for that to happen....SOON!!

    I am sure the kids in your class were excited to see you! I will look for you today and say hi if you aren't too busy working!

    Hang in there kiddo.

    Love you,
    Mrs. Buehrer

  4. So glad to hear that you are rid of those poles, Maddy!!! And that you got to see your friends from school!!! We are praying for those numbers to climb!!! And that you all find pockets of patience among all the frustrating moments of being in the hospital!! Peace!

  5. Maddy seeing your smiling face made for a wonderful day! Everyone was so happy and excited to get to see you yesterday! I am glad you were feeling up for a classroom visit! We will definitely have to do it again very very soon! Praying for those counts to come up so you can come home!!!

    Miss Hurst

    P.S. You might have to teach me how to french braid sometime! Can you imagine...teaching the teacher! :-) Have a good night!
