Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day #22

Total White Blood Cell Count = 200  (Two days in a row!)

Maddy's day:

Daily Shot
CAT Scan (to look for fungal infections)
Cough and Runny Nose
Being Ornery with Mom

Maddy did enjoy the heart from Mrs. Shield's second graders and the notes, paintings, and goodies from Mrs. Boulton's third graders.  She read all the notes and we hung the heart and paintings in her room.  Thanks for all the kind words!


  1. Maddy,
    All the students that came to Art this week have been SO excited about Maddy week and I have seen TONS of green shirts!!! I think it is pretty awesome that you have SO many friends and people that care about you. You are a special girl! I'm praying that today is a better day!
    With love,
    Mrs. Rosene

  2. I am praying for you Maddy! You are such an amazing girl! :)
