Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day #24

Total White Blood Cell Count= 300

Maddy's counts seem to be moving in the right direction finally. We hope this means we will be home soon. Maddy is still not feeling the best- tummy ache, headache, high blood pressure, runny nose and cough. Hopefully, everything will start to get better soon. Maddy so wants to be home!


  1. Yea! for your white blood cell count! :) Hopefully you'll be able to be home soon! We'll keep praying for your count to move on up!

    Todd, Christi, Brodie, and Sydney

  2. That is the direction we like to see those numbers going!!! We hope that they keep going up and that Maddy is feeling better FAST!!! KNow that we keep you in our prayers!

    The Reicherts

  3. Come on White Fairies. Hang in there and invite your friends.
    Hope to see you in Archbold very soon Maddy.
    Mrs H
