Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Maddy's Angels

On December 22, 2009, Maddy had a special surprise visit from her "angels". She looked out the window and saw a bus pull up and all her classmates, Miss Heckel and Mrs. Conway got off the bus. They sang carols to her, gave her a bunch of presents and a special Christmas book, and presented her with a poem that Mrs. Conway had written entitled "Maddy's Angels" (see below). Later in the day, Maddy was able to Skype into the classroom and participate in the Christmas party thanks to all the parents involved who provided her with everything she needed at home. Maddy had a great day! One of the hardest things for Maddy right now is feeling like she is missing out on all the "normal" activities day to day. We can't thank everyone enough for making Maddy feel like a part of all the fun! Maddy truly does have many angels looking over her.

Maddy's Angels
by Shelly Conway

God gives us angels
to watch over us with love.
These angels carry prayers for you
to Him in heaven above.
These angels are with you when trouble comes your way.
These angels hold your hand and help send your fears away.
When it's hard to find your courage,
and sometimes you shed a tear,
close your eyes and picture us, and feel that we are near.
When there are many questions and faith's been put to the test,
we can offer you a shoulder for support and needed rest.
Through times of sorrow when things don't seem so bright,
your angels will be there to make the darkness light.
When the road seems so long, and the load is more than you can bear,
we'll walk beside you,
we'll carry you,
anything to show we care.
We're beside you throughout all of this and we wondered if you knew,
we are ALL your angels, Maddy,
and we thank God so much for you!


  1. I am so glad they visited!!!! Erin has been talking about caroling to Maddy for days!!!!! And I am glad that you enjoyed the Christmas PArty!!! You certainly do have angels praying for you! A very Blessed Christmas to you and your family, Maddy!

    Mrs. Reichert

  2. We love being your angels Maddy! You will always be part of our class! The kids loved coming to your house! They could hardly wait until it was time to go! The girls loved the little earrings you had on! Don't forget your angels are watching over you! Love, Miss Heckel

  3. Maddy~

    Your angels do watch over you always! We loved coming to your house. I wish you could have heard the kids on the bus squealing with pure happiness when they saw you peeking out the front door. They couldn't wait to jump off that bus!! Neither could Miss Hecke and myself. It made my heart smile SOOOO big to see those big brown eyes and beautiful smile of yours.

    Can you believe I forgot to put halos on Miss Heckel and me? How funny! You also should have seen the first picture I printed out of Miss Heckel. She was sooo tiny, and I was sooo tall. It looked so funny!!

    I hope you have a quick treatment and that all goes well. You remember to be brave, and remember that God and your angels are always with you!

    Love you!!

    Mrs. Conway

  4. Merry Christmas to the Lamberts!!!! We are hoping you have a wonderful Christmas day! OUr prayers are with you for the best health possible in 2010!

    The Reicherts, Paul, Beth, Moriah, Erin and Isaac

  5. Merry Christmas to Maddy and her Family!

    I do join the Reicherts in hoping that you had a wonderful Christmas Day. What did Santa bring you and Julia? Did he bring you a cuckoo clock? I've been thinking about you a lot today! Take care!

    I love you. Miss Heckel

  6. Hey Maddy,

    Hope you had a good day. Did you get your cuckoo clock? Hope so! It was so much fun caroling at your house and seeing you on skype at your class Christmas party. The kids thought it was great when you threw the fake snow at your dad! I have lots of pictures from caroling and of the Christmas party. You are in a lot of the party pictures on the smart board! It looked like you were having fun too!

    Have a good week.

    Love you lots,
    Mrs. Buehrer
